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.Assessors' Agenda 12/08/2015
.Assessors' Office Town Hall
27 Sturbridge Road Holland MA at 6:00 pm

Meeting Date: December 8, 2015           6:00 P.M.              

Minutes of meeting held October 27, 2015
Minutes of meeting held November 24, 2015

Exemption applications
Monthly List of MV Excise abatements granted in November, levy of 2015 $710.31
Notice of Commitment and Warrant to Collector MV Excise com 2015-06 $4,453.29

Discussion / Review:
FY17 Budget request from the Finance Committee

A Chapter 61A applicant has not responded to our request for payment of the lien, this will disqualify them from receiving the preferential tax reduction under Chapter 61A.

Real Estate and Personal Property Tax Billing will be completed next week

FY17 map changes have been sent to CAI Associates

JoAnne will be mentoring the assessor in East Brookfield on Wednesday 12/9

           Any other issue that comes before the Board

MAAO News flash December 7th Governor Baker will sign legislation the MAAO has supported including the Boat Excise Bill and change in certification year cycle to 5 year

The ZBA forwarded a copy of the plan for 19-21 Lee Avenue for the relocation of the house.

The items listed which may be discussed at the meeting are those reasonably anticipated by the chair. Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law.
Next scheduled meeting Tuesday December 22, 2015 6:00 P.M.